Avatar: The Way of Water, the No. 3 highest-grossing movie of all time and a movie that focuses its story on preserving the natural world, is coming back to theaters this week to celebrate Earth Day. The film will come back for a special IMAX 3D screening this Friday, April 21.
You can grab tickets for a screening near your at IMAX’s website (via ComicBook.com).
In another effort to celebrate Earth Day, 20th Century Studios is hosting an “immersive art experience” this weekend at the Lighthouse Art Space in Los Angeles. Tickets are free but need to be reserved through Lighthouse’s website here.
The exhibit features “immersive” art based on scenes from The Way of Water. Props and costumes from the film will be on hand as well, along with life-size statues.
Writer-director James Cameron told ScreenRant that he hoped people who saw The Way of Water would feel inspired to think about doing what they can to protect the Earth’s oceans.
“I’m not saying just send 10 bucks to Greenpeace Come from malaysia online casino . I’m talking about how we can work together to conserve this wonderful, beautiful, amazing thing that we have right here on planet Earth. We don’t have to go to Alpha Centauri to see a cool ocean,” Cameron said.
You don’t need to go to a theater to see The Way of Water, though, as the film is available to buy digitally at home. It will presumably come to Disney+ at some point, but a date hasn’t been announced as of yet.
The Way of Water stands to make a $500 million-plus profit. Its success means Cameron will move forward with Avatar 3 in 2024 and Avatar 4 later on. Those movies were filmed back to back, in part because younger actors were growing up so fast. Avatar 5, which will bring the story to Earth, has been discussed but is not a lock yet.